There is a drive in healthcare
education to use technology and involve patients and service users in teaching
sessions. Combining these two important agendas, I collaborated with a
healthcare sciences lecturer, Trevor Kettle (@TrevorKet). to co-deliver two teaching
sessions using the Meetoo app (and Skype). This a blog of two halves, with my reflections and Trevor's reflections (so do make sure you read both bits!)
The Meetoo App is a platform for real-time polling and
discussion that allows students to share their thoughts and reflections,
opinions and ask questions.
This blog is a collection of
reflections on these experiences. These are twofold:
- the process of using technology and
collaborative teaching as a process to educate
- the content of the conversation we had with
the students.
Underpinning all of this was a
strong equal partnership to co-produce the teaching sessions, the content and
process between Trevor Kettle and myself – for which I am very grateful. Far
from being onerous, this collaboration to coproduce the two teaching sessions
required only a preliminary Skype meeting of about an hour and one or two
iterations of the PowerPoint slides being shared via email. We had a short
reflective debrief afterwards. Trevor’s perspective on it all in included