Whilst I have experienced very frustrating appointments from the NHS, I have also been privileged to experience first hand a brilliant NHS too. And I feel very strongly that, when appropriate, positive feedback should be given.

After this appointment, which left me moved by the excellence the NHS is capable of, I took to Patient Opinion to share my story. I wanted the kind orthotist who had the unfortunate short straw of working on the 27th December to know that it was worth him coming to work, and very much appreciated and for the hospital to know it was offering a good service too. So here is my story on the Patient Opinion website . . .
UPDATE: January is starting to feel like one long medical appointment, but a very good one! A really positive appointment with the neuro-physiotherapists yesterday prompted me to share again on Patient Opinion. I experienced first hand the great benefits of being involved in my care, shared-decision making and everything else the NHS agenda is pushing for at the moment. Here is the story on Patient Opinion:
Thank you to Dorset County Hospital for the positive experiences and to Patient Opinion for allowing me to share it!
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