The King's Fund have recently launched a new campaign -
Time to Think Differently - which is all about change in health and social care. Following
#kfthink on Twitter, it is clearly an important topic, that is generating lots of interest! What I like most about the Time to Think Differently campaign is the fantastic collection of infographics they are produced, which you can view
here. In particular, the infographic below is one the best I have seen summing up the relationship between LTCs and mental health:
Source: The King's Fund |
It is so simple, but gets the message out loud and clear! I have eluded to the '
psychological and emotional side effects' of long-term conditions before, and much of this blog discusses the mental challenges long-term conditions present. Whilst my doctors have been attentive to my physical condition, my MRI scan results and my drug treatments, my mental health has been completed side-lined. I strongly believe that in order to successfully treat my physical conditions, my mental health needs to be addressed as well. It is really encouraging to see the reality of living with long-term conditions recognised at such a level - I hope it can be translated into more holistic care pathways.
This is, of course, just one angle of the diagram: some people have unrelated physical and mental health conditions; whilst others have physical conditions caused by their mental health conditions. Either way, I do hope awareness of the substantial overlap (however caused) will lead to better care in the long-run.
Incidentally, I am fast becoming a big fan of infographics - especially when I see such effective ones like this one!